AlfaSat SBRD Commands

ACP Sensorboard Command List

Total Commands and their CRC16 Modbus Results:


Where X should be replaced to one of the ACP Source Node regardingly.

Notes :

While sending:

[source]4 00 01 CMDHEX CRC16

While receiving:

[4][destination] 00 DLEN PAYLOAD_ID PAYLOAD CRC16

1 04 00 01 01 C1 44 CMD_GET_CMD_LIST 0x01 0x01
2 04 00 01 02 81 45 CMD_STAT 0x02 0x02
3 40 00 01 03 54 75 CMD_GET_ALL 0x03  
4 04 00 01 04 01 47 CMD_GET_BME_ALL 0x04  
5 40 00 01 05 D4 77 CMD_GET_BNO_ALL 0x05  
6 04 00 01 06 80 86 CMD_GET_GG_ALL 0x06  
7 04 00 01 07 0F 44 CMD_GET_SI_ALL 0x07  
8 04 00 01 64 6F 9F CMD_BMET 0x64 0x03
9 40 00 01 65 D4 5F CMD_BMEP 0x65 0x04
10 40 00 01 66 94 5E CMD_BMEH 0x66 0x05
11 40 00 01 67 55 9E CMD_BMEG 0x67 0x06
12 40 00 01 68 15 9A CMD_BMEA 0x68 0x07
13 40 00 01 69 D4 5A CMD_BNOT 0x69 0x08
14 40 00 01 6A 94 5B CMD_BNOA 0x6A 0x09
15 40 00 01 6B 15 90 CMD_BNOM 0x6B 0x0A
16 40 00 01 6C 14 59 CMD_BNOGS 0x6C 0x0B
17 40 00 01 6D D5 99 CMD_BNOE 0x6D 0x0C
18 40 00 01 6E 95 98 CMD_BNOL 0x6E 0x0D
19 40 00 01 6F 54 58 CMD_BNOGR 0x6F 0x0E
20 40 00 01 78 14 56 CMD_GGC 0x78 0x0F
21 40 00 01 82 94 15 CMD_SIV 0x82 0x10
22 40 00 01 83 55 D5 CMD_SIR 0x83 0x11
23 40 00 01 84 14 17 CMD_SUV 0x84 0x12

Sample Responses for ACP SBRD CMDs

40 00 01 01 D5 B4 - CMD-LIST

This returns the available commands for sensor board in this software and hardware version. [19 byte]


40 00 01 02 95 B5 - STATUS

This returns the sensor board sensors numbers and the I2C address of each existing sensors:

In response : 03 28 60 76.

03 means there are 3 I2C sensors on the sensor board now (or 3 of all the sensors working properly now)

28, 60, 76 are the addresses of those working sensors that mentioned above.


Generally :

  • BME680 0x76
  • BNO055 0x28
  • SI1145 0x60

40 00 01 03 54 75 - GET ALL

This returns all the sensor board data together.

40 00 01 04 15 B7 - BME

This returns all the BME680 data together.


The response payload has 20 bits.

Header: 04 00 ( From Sensorboard(0x04) to the OBC(0x00) )

Data Length: 14 (HEX 0x14 == DEC 20)

each for bit is respectivly for one BME680 parapeter in this order:

Temperature : 00 00 0D BA = 3514 = 35.14 ℃

Pressure: 00 01 7F 5A = 98138 = 981.38 Pa

Humidity: 00 00 2A 09 = 10761 = 10.761 %

Gas (resistance) : 00 01 18 44 = 71748 = 717.48 mΩ

Altitude: 00 00 68 FE = 26878 = 268.78 m

CRC: 8F 5F

40 00 01 05 D4 77 -BNO

This returns all the BNO055 data together

40 00 01 06 94 76 - GG

This returns all the Geiger data together

Geiger counter counts inturrupts at digital pin2 (interrupt 0) on arduino for 1 minute. This command returns the CPM (geiger count per minute) value.

The CPM is not an Instant quantity, when you call this command, it returns the most last tested CPM.


Wait at least 15 seconds to get a newer data.

40 00 01 07 55 B6 - SI1145

This returns all the SI1145 Data Together

Visible light has a wave length that ranges from 380 nm – 750 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum while infrared light is just beyond it, ranging from 700 nm – 1 mm, the start of the non-visible portion of the spectrum.

The UV Index is a number linearly related to the intensity of sunlight reaching the earth and is weighted according to the CIE Erythemal Action Spectrum as shown in Figure 13. This weighting is a standardized measure of human skin’s response to different wavelengths of sunlight from UVB to UVA. The UV Index has been standardized by the World Health Organization and includes a simplified consumer UV exposure level as shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15.


The SI1145 Sensor reads three parameters about light :

  • Visible
  • IR
  • UV Index

While Asking queries, a sample response can be like this:


01 06 : VIS = 262

00 FD: IR = 253

00 03: UV Index = 3

40 00 01 64 15 9F - BMET

This returns BME680 Temperature value.


40 00 01 65 D4 5F -BMEP

This returns BME680 Pressure Value


40 00 01 66 94 5E - BMEH

This returns BME680 Humidity value


40 00 01 67 55 9E - BMEG

This returns BME680 gas resistance value


40 00 01 68 15 9A - BMEA

This returns BME680 altitude value


40 00 01 69 D4 5A - BNOT

The command returns the current ambient temperature in degrees celsius


40 00 01 6A 94 5B - BNOA

This returns the 3-axis vector data for **ACCELEROMETER **(values in m/s^2)


40 00 01 6B 15 90 - BNOM

This returns the 3-axis vector data for MAGNETOMETER (values in uT, micro Teslas)

40 00 01 6F 54 58 - BNOGS

This returns the 3-axis vector data for GYROSCOPE (values in rps, radians per second)

40 00 01 70 15 90 - BNOE

This returns the 3-axis vector data for EULER (values in Euler angles or ‘degrees’, from 0..359)

40 00 01 6E 95 98 - BNOL

This returns the 3-axis vector data for LINEARACCEL (values in m/s^2)

40 00 01 6F 54 58 CMD_BNOGR

This returns the 3-axis vector data for GRAVITY (values in m/s^2)

40 00 01 78 14 56 - GG-CPM

This returns the Geiger CPM value:


40 00 01 82 94 15 -VIS

This returns the SI1145 Visiable Light Sensor Value:

40 00 01 82 94 15:

40 00 01 83 55 D5 - IR

This returns SI1145 IR light sensor value :

40 00 01 83 55 D5:


40 00 01 84 14 17 - UV

This returns the SI1145 UV index value :

40 00 01 84 14 17:
