C Notes


C1 Getting Started with C

S1 Hello World

Source Code

#include "stdio.h"

int main(void) {
    puts("Hello, World!");
    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>

Headers :

  • Function declarations
  • Macros
  • Data types

to use a function from standard library or from external library, you should include the header file of that library first.

int main(void)

The definition of a function:

  • name of the function
  • type of value that this function returns
  • type and number of arguments it expects
    • void meaning none

A block of code begin and end.

puts("hello, world");

  • puts output text to standard output (the screen by default), followed by a new line.
  • "hello, world" is the string that will be written to the screen.
    • In C, every string literal value must be inside the double quotes “…”.
  • every statement needs to be terminated by a semi-colon (i.e. ;).

return 0 :

  • indicate that the program existed successfully.

Compiling Code

Using GCC
gcc hello.c -o hello

the compiler will create a binary file, the name of which is

given by the argument to the -o command line option (hello). This is the final executable file.

Using Clang
clang hello.c -o hello

C2 Comments

S1 Comments with preprocessor

#if 0
anything between here are ignored

S2 /* */ delimited comments

/* This is a comment */

/* This is a
 comment */

 * this is also
 * multi line
 * comment

S3 // delimited comments

// this is a comment

// each of these
// are member of
// multi line
// comments

S4 Possible pitfall due to trigraphs


How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Procurement SaaS Implementation


![Ending Trigraphs Trigraphs, Trigraph words, Phonics lessons](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/93/12/79/93127999651210c140b7d3243e7f1565.png)

In c ??/ is a trigraph and is actually a longhand notation for \ . so we can’t have ??/ with in coment that may cause some error due to this.

// testing the trigraphs case. ??/
int main(void) {
    int x = 20;
    int foo = 20; // start at 20 ??/
    int bar = 0;
    bar += foo;


This did not cause any error in mac. May it cause some error on linux .

C3 Data Types

S1 Interpreting Declarations

  • unary * — a pointer — right to left — 2 (precedence)
  • binary [] — an array — left to right — 1
  • (1+n)-ary () — a function — left to right — 1

*thing a pointer to …

thing[X] an array of size X of …

thing(t1,t2,t3) a function taking t1, t2, t3 and returning..


char *names[20];

Precedence : [] 1, * 2

so, [] takes precedence over *, so the interpretation is :

Names is an array of size 20 of a pointer to char.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char *name;
    return 0;



#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char *name; // this is a pointer to char
    char *names[20]; // this is an array that stores 20 pointers to chart
    char (*place)[10]; // place is a pointer to array, of size 10 of char
    int fn(long, short); // fn is a function which takes a long and a sort as argument and return int value
    int *fn1(void); // () is procedure 1 so it is first. fn1 is a function which takes zero argument, and returns a pointer of int
    return 0;
  • int (*fp)(void); — overriding the precedence of (); fp is a pointer to function which takes void arguments and returns int

  • int arr[5][8] — multidimentional array.

    • [] — left to right
    • arr is an array of size five which if an array of size 8
  • int **ptr;

    • two dereference operators have equal precedence.
    • int ptr; here ptr is a int variable
    • int *ptr; here ptr is a pointer which points to an integer
    • int **ptr here ptr is a pointer which points to a pointer of int
  • int fn(void), *ptr, (*fp)(int), arr[10][20], num

    • fn is a function taking void and returning int
    • ptr is a pointer to an int
    • fp is a pointer to a function taking int and returning int
    • arr is an array of size of an array of size 20 of int.
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
        * Subscripting "arr" and dereferencing it yields a "char" result.
        * Particularly: *arr[5] is of type "char".
        char *arr[20];
        * Calling "fn" yields an "int" result.
        * Particularly: fn('b') is of type "int".
        int fn(char);
        * Dereferencing "fp" and then calling it yields an "int" result.
        * Particularly: (*fp)() is of type "int".
        int (*fp)(void);
        * Subscripting "strings" twice and dereferencing it yields a "char" result.
        * Particularly: *strings[5][15] is of type "char"
        char *strings[10][20];
        return 0;


S2 Fixed Width Integer Types

The header <stdint.h> provides several fixed-width integer type definitions.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    // section 3.2 fixed width integer types
    /* commonly used types includes */
    uint8_t u8 = 255;
    uint16_t u16 = 1024;
    uint32_t u32 = 32;
    uint64_t u64 = 65;
    int64_t i64 = -65;

    printf("%llx", i64);
    return 0;

S3 Integer types and constants

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main() {
    // section 3.3
     * signed integers can be of these types the int after short or long is optional

    signed char c = 127; // required to be 1 byte
    signed short int si = 32767; // required to be at least 16 bits -- 2 byte
    signed int i = 32767; // required to be at least 16 bits -- 2 byte
    signed long int li = 2147483647; // required to be at least 32 bits, 4 byte
    signed long long int lli = 2147483647; // required to be at least 64 bits, 8 bytes

     * unsigned integers
    unsigned int ui = 65535;
    unsigned short isi = 2767;
    unsigned char uc = 255;
    // For all types but char the signed version is assumed if the signed or unsigned part is omitted.
    return 0;
  • Decimal constants are always signed.
  • Hexedecimal constants starts with 0x or 0X
  • Octal constants starts just with a 0

Sufffix to describe width and signedness:

  • long int i = 0x32; // no suffix present int, or long int
  • unsigned int ui = 65535u ; // u or U represents unsigned int, or long int
  • long int li = 655361; // l or L represent long int

The header file describes the limits of integers as follows.

Macro Type Value
CHAR_BIT smallest object that is not a bit-field (byte) 8
SCHAR_MIN signed char -127 / -(27 - 1)
SCHAR_MAX signed char +127 / 27 - 1

UCHAR_MAX unsigned char 255 / 28 - 1

CHAR_MIN char see below

CHAR_MAX char see below

SHRT_MIN short int -32767 / -(215 - 1)

SHRT_MAX short int +32767 / 215 - 1

USHRT_MAX unsigned short int 65535 / 216 - 1

INT_MIN int -32767 / -(215 - 1)

INT_MAX int +32767 / 215 - 1

UINT_MAX unsigned int 65535 / 216 - 1

LONG_MIN long int -2147483647 / -(231 - 1)

LONG_MAX long int +2147483647 / 231 - 1

ULONG_MAX unsigned long int 4294967295 / 232 - 1

Version ≥ C99

Macro Type Value

LLONG_MIN long long int -9223372036854775807 / -(263 - 1)

LLONG_MAX long long int +9223372036854775807 / 263 - 1

ULLONG_MAX unsigned long long int 18446744073709551615 / 264 - 1