UniBoard KiCad Tutorial Script for UNEPG Online Courses.

Open the Folder where you downloaded the UniBoard-KiCad Repository.

Then Open the UniBoard Proejct File

You will see several folders on the left

The folder UniBoard and UniBoard .Pretty are the essential schematics and footprints for this tutorial.

Inside the Assets folder, you can find and read all the neccessary data sheets for the electronic components.

Open the schematic layout editor

This will open the editor like this :

Click on the Edit page settings btn

Update the datetime by clicking this button, then change this field to your name

Click on Place Symbol button , and then search for Pico, place the comonent on the schematics window,

also search for resistor , i personally prefer the symbol with smaller size, and then search for a capacitor, place it .

a shocky diode

And search for Pico, that i have included inthe library,

And also search for LTC2850, which is a Rs485 and UART converter

Ok, i think that’s enough for now.

Si7021 humidity and temperature sensor

TLV493D magnetic sensor,