Udacity Resources Index
Udacity is one fo my prefered learning platforms, the anoter one is of course Coursera. I do not like Udemy, it is not my principle to learn from the “cheap” but mine is learn from the professional, and both Udacity and Coursera meet my needs.
Hello World!
I am back!
It seems like i have written sevaral blogs before. None of them lasts longer than 2 years. I lost some of them because of technichal issues, deleted some of them because of my personal issues, but they are already dead!
It may be interesting that, even though, I wanna create a new blog and start to log something here, I am sure that I will write something here, but I am completly not sure that I will not delete it, yes, that is what I usually do.
87 post articles, 11 pages.